

Date : 28/09/2020 - | Sector: Horticulture

New Area Expansion Programme

  • Cultivation of Hybrid vegetables (Tomato)- Protray seedlings has been produced at State Horticulture Farms and distributed to farmers at free cost at the rate of Rs. 20000 per hectare
  • Mango cultivation under High Density Planting- Rs. 9840 per hectare

  • Flower crops cultivation: For cultivating Marigold Rs. 16000 per hectare and for Tuberose Rs. 60000 per hectare been given to farmers as back ended subsidy

  • Spice chillies cultivation – Rs. 12000 per hectare

  • Cut Flower cultivation – Rs. 40000 per hectare for SC/ST/Womens, Rs. 25000 per hectare For General has been given as subsidy at 40% and 25% subsidy respectively

Protected Cultivation

  • Construction of Poly house: 50% subsidy has been provided for constructing Poly houses at the rate of Rs. 467.50 per square meter allowing maximum 4000 sqm per beneficiary
  • Shadenet house: As like poly house construction, 50% assistance has been given to the maximum of 4000 sqm per beneficiary at rate of Rs. 355 per square meter
  • Mulching: 50% assistance will be given @ Rs. 16000/Ha as back ended subsidy
  • Creation of water resources: To encourage water harvesting system for individuals, to create farm ponds, tube well and open wells an assistance of Rs. 75000/- has been provided.

Integrated Nutrient Management

  • To encourage use of micro nutrients, at the rate of Rs. 1200 per hectare the micro nutrients has been distributed among the farmers.

Pollination Support Through Bee-Keeping

  • In order to maximize production, honey-bee colonies have been given to farmers at 40% subsidy at the rate of Rs. 1600 per colony and for honey extractor Rs. 8000 is given.

Horticulture Mechanization

  • For purchase of 20HP mini tractor Rs. 75000 and for 8HP power tiller Rs. 60000 has been given as subsidy at 25 % and 40% subsidy respectively.

Integrated post harvest Management

  • To construct pack houses for the purpose of grading, cleaning and packing of Horticultural produces at the rate of 50% subsidy Rs. 2.00 lakh has been provided.
  • To construct Integrated pack houses for the purpose of grading, Sorting, cleaning, Washing, drying and packing of Horticultural produces at the rate of 35% subsidy Rs. 17.50 lakh has been provided.
  • To construct Pre cooling Unit for the purpose of storage of Horticultural produces at the rate of 35% subsidy Rs. 8.75 lakh has been provided

Eligibility Condition

  • Beneficiary must be registered in TNHORTINET
  • Beneficiary must be registered in Uzhavan Registration, HORTNET

Procedure to obtain the benefit/Service

  • Chitta and adangal (original)
  • FMB sketch
  • Aadhaar Card
  • In case of lease farmers, registered lease agreement should be furnished.
  • Soil and water test reports for cultivation related components
  • Passport size photos (3 Nos.)
  • Ration card (Xerox)
  • Bank passbook (1st page Xerox) for verifying the Account Number
  • Affidavit for components wherein the assistance is above Rs.50,000/-
  • Field photos during various stages of implementation with beneficiary (for Area expansion and project based activities)
  • Field Board with NHM logo after completion (for project based)


All farmers



How To Apply

Beneficiary must be registered in TNHORTINET
Beneficiary must be registered in Uzhavan Registration, HORTNET