
Job Mela

| Sector: Mahalir Thittam

Job mela will bring the potential employers and local youth face to face. Job melas will be organized at block and District Level. These melas are primarily meant for those who have employable skills acquired without participating in the training program found under DDU-GKY. At the venue both the companies as well as the youth aspirants will register.

Eligibility Condition

  • Local youth (Rural and Urban)
  • Age limit 18-40 years.
  • Age limit may vary based on companies requirement up to 50 years.
  • Education qualification 10th and above.
Procedure to obtain the benefit/Service
  • Job mela will be organized at block and District Level.
  • Job mela conducting date will communicate through local news papers and scrolling to local TV to one week before.
  • Job mela notice, Posters and Banners will display in Public Plays.